Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club

Laying Up Supper - 21st October - The Fox and Hounds Beccles
The End of Season and 30th Anniversary event was attended by 30 members, which overall seemed a shame to have so few of us there, however, those who were there had a good time. Maria was excellent with her saxophone and Sandie’s buffet was delicious.
A Pot Of Gold raffle was held and the star prize, a week in Rainbows End cottage donated by Hilda and Ivan, was won by our secretary Angela and Steve.
Trophy presentations were made to the following recipients:
The Broken Oar was awarded to Tony and Kath from Freeway: They left very early on the Sunday after Funday to get on with all the jobs they had to do at home only to get delayed at Somerleyton Bridge after a hire boat get wedged and had to wait for a reduction in the tide before the bridge was able to open. I know it was no fault of their own – but it’s been hard to find any other recipient this year – everyone has been so good!
The Paul Hodgson Trophy – this was awarded to the winning team at Funday and as there weren’t any games due to the dreadful weather; the members who saved the day were Bim, John and Kath for the evening’s entertainment, so the PH Trophy was awarded to all three of them.
Commodore's Cup this goes to the winning team from Quiz Night which was once again held at Coldham Hall. A big thank you to Jackie for organising the quiz. The winning team: Six Guns were Dave and Barb, Mike and Denise and Paul and Valerie.
The Challenge Trophy – As we are all aware of Ken’s accident, I thought that the ones who helped rescue Ken should deserve this award, namely Colin (Little Grebe), Bill (Mr C) who helped Ken out of the water; Denise (Edith Rose) who was on hand to offer first aid advice and Pip (Fandango) who was able to telephone the emergency services. It was a traumatic time for them all, including Ken who was in great pain, so the award goes to all four of them.
Finally Ken was presented with a brass plaque to recognise his services as Club Secretary for 14 years and Jen a bottle of voddy!
What do these weather storms have against us! First it was Storm Antoni in August and now Storm Babet in October. But we have survived, and thankfully we’ve not had it as bad as those in other parts of the country.
