Start Of Season 16th -17th April 2011 - Waveney River Centre

Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club
Nine Club Boats assembled at The Waveney River Centre on this lovely sunny Spring Saturday. Afternoon drinks were taken 'al fresco' as we enjoyed the first meet of the new season and put the cold winter behind us. Ken distributed the new 2011 Yearbooks and Robin distributed the 2011 Green books, to give us all some bedtime reading.
In the evening, 25 sat down to an excellent meal and not a crumb was saved for Bob and Norma who joined us later. The lucky ticket bottle of wine was won by Sandra and the pot of gold first prize went to Dawn. The rest of the evening was danced away to the G Sounds Disco. We ambled back in the mist to boats and cars sometime after midnight.
We reassembled bleary-eyed early on Sunday morning for the AGM, or was it that we came mainly for the hot coffee and bacon rolls? A lively meeting was held and the existing committee and officers were duly re-elected. A full report/minutes will be provided by Secretary Ken.
The weather was sunny and warm for the cruise home after another enjoyable Club weekend. Let’s hope that we get the same weather for our next event, Loddon on 14th May.