We arrived at Beccles on ‘Kontiki’ late afternoon on Thursday in hazy sunshine and light breeze. The forecast for the weekend was not good but as it turned out it was mainly sunny but very windy. The only rain was mid day Friday and that was only a short sharp shower.
Friday saw the arrival of ‘Grebe’, ‘Ocean Way’ and ‘Mehelah’. The evening was taken up watching England beat Sweden 3-2 (with a few beers to calm the nerves)
‘Tantalus IV’, ‘Emma Loise’ and ‘Blithe’ arrived on Saturday to make a total of seven club boats.
Because of the high winds the decision to erect the marquee was left until late afternoon, but we decided to go for it about four o’clock. Everybody pitched in and with the help of miles of extra rope tied to trees, rhond anchors and the adjacent bench we managed to hold it down. Good bit of team work.
BBQ’s were lit outside shortly after but soon moved into the marquee to escape most of the wind. Simon and Stevie walked round from their mooring across the river and joined us for the BBQ. ‘Icon’ crew Chris, Maggie and Gary from the Brundall Club also joined us for the BBQ and helped with the marquee.
The feasts were eaten in the marquee and we sat around afterwards in the evening sunshine talking boat speak.
There was no sign of the wind easing so it was decided not to go ahead with the usual music session and dismantle the marquee rather than chance leaving it up overnight.
Once again everybody pitched in and the tent was taken down and packed away in what must have been record time. Before we went back to our boats, Bob entertained us in graphic detail of his experiences in hospital earlier in the year, but I better not go into that!
Sunday was sunny and warm and the wind eased off in the afternoon making a pleasant cruise home.
A good weekend was had by all.
Thanks, as always, to Harbour Master Mike for his support.
Beccles Weekend - 16th - 17thJune 2012

Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club