Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club

Quiz Night - 18th September - Coldham Hall - Report
Lovely hot sunny weather for the whole weekend, but this year, unlike last, gentle winds. A lovely weekend with a good turnout of 13 boats (25 members) and 4 more by car, and this year the quiz was actually allowed to take place!
We had booked the whole of the moorings for the Saturday but didn’t require them all – just 4 boats moored along the riverfront of Coldham Hall, and 9 more on the stern-on moorings, some connected to electric. There was a big regatta on at the adjacent Coldham Hall Sailing Club, but that didn’t interfere with our weekend – in fact, it was pleasant to sit out on our boats in the sunshine and watch the racing.
Many of us moored up on the Friday, 2 side-on and with electric, 5 stern-on, all settled in by lunchtime. A few of us then enjoyed lunchtime drinks on the pub decking, others sitting out in the sunshine behind their boats. A lovely afternoon. A few had booked dinner in the pub later, and that too was most enjoyable, but most had an early night - to rest their minds before the Quiz the next day?
Saturday dawned with thick fog, which didn’t thin until well past 9am – even though hire boats were out early trying to “feel” their way back to their boatyards. The fog gave way to a cloudy day, with some sunshine, but it was warm. The remainder of our boats came in from 9.30 onwards – most having to just pop across from their Brundall home moorings – and all were soon safely tied up, thanks to “Harbourmaster” Steve’s guidance. We sat around our boats during the day, coffees in hand, drinks later, and watched the start of the regatta races. A few of the ladies sat on the back of “Mr C” to enjoy lunchtime over a bottle of wine, or two? Last boat in was Mike and Denise’s new one, “Edith Rose”, as Mike had been on work-party duty at Hardley Dyke.
After a few more “welcome” drinks and conversations, we got ready for the evening and gathered over in the pub at 6.30pm. The pub had set aside the whole lower room area for us, which was well appreciated. The meals off the standard menu were nice, many ordering traditional Fish ‘n chips. Meals were served from around 7pm and we were finished eating and cleared up well before the start of the quiz at 8.30pm. Members had already settled into their groups, between 3 to 6 in number, which became the teams – 6 in all. Quiz-mistress Angela was asking the questions, ably assisted by Steve, and quickly got through 5 rounds of 10 questions – some very devilish ones – scores being marked at the end of each round. All done and dusted by 9.30pm, and congratulations went to the winning team “Swordfish” (Paul/Josie/Dave/Barbara/Mike and Denise). Runner-up was team “Moonshine” (Dave/Thelma/Roger) with “Thursday Club” (John/Sandra/Hilda/Ivan) third. Holding up the rear, in 6th.place, were the “Misfits” (Peter/Sandra/Ray/Margaret/Andy and Lucie). It was a great performance from all teams.
Angela and Steve presented the Commodore’s Cup to the winners, and I presented Angela with a bottle of Malbec in reward for her hard work in preparing and calling such a brilliant quiz. Knowing that Steve was a scooter enthusiast, I also gave Steve a little prezzie, a small “Vespa” wall-clock that I had from a few years back – but unfortunately his passion is Lambrettas. still, he did appreciate the gesture. I also gave him the engraved shield to place onto the “Paul Hodgson” trophy, won by his team on Funday. More drinks were then imbibed, over the usual post-quiz discussions regarding who got what right and who in the team was narrowly wrong? All good fun. We said our farewells a little after 10pm, back to the boats, and another early night?
Sunday was an early start, a few boats leaving before 8am. It was a sunny start with a few high clouds, light easterly winds, but rain did move in later in the afternoon – after most of us had departed. The yacht racing began early at 10.30am, and we watched some of it before leaving by lunchtime, between races.
The end of another good Club weekend.
Next event is the Beccles End-of-Season buffet dance, on 16th.October, the last event of this season, with now 60 members and guests already pledged to attend. Please don’t miss this one!
Regards, Ken - September 2021