Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club

Lovely hot sunny weather for the whole weekend, except for the strong North-easterly winds. A low turnout of 8 boats ( 16 members ) was due to the cancellation of the actual Quiz, which in turn was due to new COVID-19 rules coming into effect earlier in the week.
The new rules meant that we could only meet in groups of up to 6 members, and this arrangement was followed for the weekend. 5 boats moored along the riverfront of Coldham Hall, and 3 more on the stern-on moorings, most connected to electric. All attendees kept correct social distancing and broke up into groups of no more than 4 in the pub itself on Saturday evening – making individual choices from the excellent pub menu.
Only Bob & Norma moored up on the Friday, side-on and with electric. They had booked a meal in the pub for that evening. The remainder of us arrived by Saturday afternoon. Weather was still brilliant – except for the “onshore” wind, which stuck us to the side when we attempted to leave on Sunday morning.
Over Saturday lunchtime, a few of us sat outside on the pub decking, enjoying a pint or two served direct to the table. Some of the women then went on “Lady Grace” to enjoy a few glasses of wine or whatever, whilst the men sat out in the adjacent gardens and enjoyed their beers – all done to ensure no more than 6 in a grouping!
We went into the pub at 6.30 to enjoy the meal and it turned out that the Maitre D was known to Bob and John, from their playing days in the Wroxham hotel – many moons ago! It was a nice meal and a lovely evening but over by 9pm. We said our farewells, slowly making our way back to the boats, and a few nightcaps!
This was my FIRST visit by boat to Coldham, after nearly 30 years of being at Brundall, and I never realised how nice it was. We must keep it on the calendar for next season, hopefully by then these Covid restrictions may be over?
A great weekend once more.
Next event was going to be the Beccles End-of-Season Dinner dance, on 24th.October, but this too has been cancelled.
However, for those who still have moorings booked at the Beccles YS, then please come along and meet fellow members, but still maintain social distancing and do not gather closely in groups of more than 6.
Regards, Ken - September 2020
'Non Quiz Night' - 19th September - Coldham Hall PH - Report