Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club

Lovely sunny weather for the whole weekend, very warm with moderate S / SE winds (moving later to NW). A very good turnout for the first riverside event since the Covid-19 lockdown - 24 boats + 2 cars. The actual Fun & Games had to be cancelled due to the pandemic crisis but we were entertained on the Saturday evening with some lovely music and ditties from Bim and John, all on the quayside green, in the open air – al-fresco! Cool!
Most member boats arrived by Friday lunchtime, 22, with 2 more arriving on Saturday morning. No gazebos this time, the Covid-19 crisis put paid to that – but the weather remained fine, allowing us to hold the committee meeting on the grass adjacent to our boat moorings. The meeting started just after 3.30pm and was over before 5pm. A good meeting, mainly dealing with the remaining events of the season and planning for next season – all with concern for the coronavirus pandemic. We then re-joined other members, sitting around in groups in shade, and maintaining social distancing as mandated. A good excuse to consume much alcohol and hear all the stories arising from the prior 3 - 4 months “lockdown”.
Saturday was another sunny day, still a bit windy but hot, allowing all again to gather outside and chat in our small groups. No Fun & Games this year – another casualty of Covid – but it was relaxing to just sit and chat. BBQ’s were fired up around 5pm, we all in small groups near our own boats. After the meal and clearing up, we all gathered on the green nearer to the office – under the trees – where John and Bim entertained us from 8.15pm onwards. Good music and singing until just after 10.30pm. They went through their full repertoire – 60’s up to recent times – plenty of ditties as well to allow the large audience to join in. A really lovely evening, very well attended, but all of us having to keep to social distancing rules. We then helped John and Bim to clear up and return their equipment, before dispersing to our individual boats.
Sunday morning was another lovely sunny day and we all gathered down near the office again around 10.30am – ready for the AGM which had been postponed since April. Fay and John (Precious Time) had come over by car, and Fay set up selling face-masks – very colourful ones – and she did brisk business, with part of the proceeds going to charity.
It was another good turnout at the AGM, nearly 50 members and guests, and as usual we began with hot bacon butties (large baguettes this time, courtesy of the little “Café on the Quay”). It was a quick AGM, all over before noon, and we began the tidy up and return to our boats and more drinks.
A good weekend in the circumstances of Covid, and again many thanks to Tim, who packed us all in along the quayside.
Next event is Oulton Broad for the Bank holiday Gala weekend
Regards, Ken - August 2020
'Fun Day' & AGM Weekend - 1st/2nd August Weekend - Beccles Yacht Station - Report