The 'Splinter Group' at Beccles - August - Beccles Yacht Station

Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club

Photos: John & Sandra, Dave & Dawn
After the Fun Day, several of us, 'The Splinter Group', were lucky enough to be able to stay on at Beccles. Here's some photos of enjoyable times:
Raising the new Yacht Station Flag. Pleasant gatherings spent in and around Ray and Margarets gazebo, nicknamed 'The Shed'! The Harvest Moon Music Festival. Morris Dancers near the quay. Sandra's birthday party. The arrival of Bim and Jackies horse ready for the Carnival.
The raffle we organised in aid of the charity that Graham and Laura (Joshuas Journey) set up to 'Sponsor a Sibling'. The raffle and collection boxes made £257.00, thank you to all who participated and donated prizes.
Thanks also to Ray and Margaret for the use of 'The Shed' and Tim and Dee for keeping us all in order!