Fun Day - 6th August - Beccles Yacht Station - Report

Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club

Another warm Summer weekend, and another record turnout, this time of 33 Boats + 4 cars.
8 teams ( each of 3 to 6 persons) took part in the games, and 80 or so members and guests attended. Later, we all crowded inside the gazebos for some nice songs and guitar music from Keith, Bim, and John – Bob had escaped for the evening to see Marty Wilde ( who?) in concert in Norwich!
The weather remained warm and sunny throughout the weekend, with a moderate breeze to cool us down.
It all began for me on the Thursday – 19 boats either already there or arriving throughout the day. So glad that we had all let Tim know in advance and had reserved moorings. It was a lovely afternoon, meeting old friends and having a few drinks before heading back early to our own boats.
Friday was an early start as lots more of our member boats arrived in the morning, swelling our numbers to 29 before the day was out and making a tight squeeze in the Yacht station. That afternoon we put up both old and new gazebos due to the high turnout, as we did the previous year, with the old tree stump again taking centre-stage. Steve then called an unarranged committee meeting, mainly to discuss overcrowding and the lack of mooring spaces at our riverside events. This was held in the gazebo at 3pm., whilst the others were still putting the finishing touches to the gazebos and raising the flagpole. Busy, busy afternoon!
We began later to have a few drinks along the quayside before dinner, and then many of us spent a pleasant evening in the gazebo chatting and supping wine.
The Reedham members arrived early Saturday morning, making our record total of 33 boats for an outside event. It was a lovely day and very hot for our fun & games, which began early afternoon so as we could go see the Duck race at 4.30pm. We set up our “Olympic” arena on the grass in front of the boats, positioning our chairs around the periphery, and we had 8 teams taking part in the 6 designated “events”, including the last event of all having one entry in the charity Duck race – at the cost of £2 per team! It was great in the afternoon sunshine, all teams being most enthusiastic and competitive. Bob organised the games, helped by Dawn as usual in the penultimate “Play your Cards” game, whilst I adjudicated ( a loose term ) & kept score. Points were awarded as per Formula 1 rules, and it was a close run completion right up to the finishing event, the unwinnable Duck race.( 4,000 ducks floated under the Beccles road bridge, of which we had 8 blue ones among 400 blue ones – try adjudicating that race?) The result was left to our honest adjudicator – Me – and based on the previous 7 rounds, the winning team this year, and winners of the “Paul Hodgson” trophy, was KAS ( Satori ) on 111points; closely followed by the Reedham Rebels on 103 pts; with DNA ( Ocean Way etc) in third on 98pts. Bringing up the rear were the Reedham Rascals on a promising 59pts. Well done to all who took part and made it such a Fun Day! Back to the drinking after all that exertion, and to the BBQ’s kicking off after 5pm.. All went well with the cooking, the late afternoon sunshine prevailed although the cool easterly wind was rising.
Chairs and tables were hastily set up in the gazebos in the evening – disco lights were switched on – and the music entertainment got underway just after 8pm. John and Bim played their hearts out as usual, and Keith got up to do a few numbers on his acoustic guitar. Some of the “girls” dressed as senoritas, a rehearsal for their costumes ready for the forthcoming Beccles carnival weekend, bringing a Mexican feel to the proceedings.
Ay caramba!
All over just after 11pm, and off we drifted to our boats and bed.
Disaster early on the Sunday morn – high winds had suddenly arrived in the night and the gazebos were nearly on their way to Oulton Broad. Dave and his crew battled bravely in dismantling the gazebos as fast as possible, helped by other members joining in, but damage was sustained to some poles and canvas. Time for the Club to discuss replacements for next season? Me, I was still asleep as the high drama took place – arriving on the scene late at 9.30am, just in time to retrieve my chairs and table. Tiring business all that adjudicating ( and beer drinking?)
The rest of the day was peaceful, boats leaving as the day progressed, although many stayed on for a week or two to enjoy the gorgeous Summer weather – a repeat of last year.
Moorings are already booked for next season’s August Funday at Beccles, but will a hot summer bless us again?
A special thanks to Harbour Master Tim for getting us all in for the Fun Day and for putting up with those of us who stayed on at Beccles after!
We all had a great time.