Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club

Mixed weather but still another fantastic weekend, with 20 club boats moored up in the yacht station, and a total of 40 or so members plus guests over the whole Bank holiday.
Warm and sunny weekend to begin with on the Friday / Saturday, but a cool northerly blew up from Sunday onwards. The rain held off for the Sunday afternoon BBQ but, unfortunately, we weren’t so lucky the next day and it was another very wet Bank holiday Monday, proper déjà vu of last year!
I arrived early on Friday, and set up “camp” on the quayside in front of the boat, quickly being joined by others in sitting in the sunshine with a few beers & wine. Some of the ladies had joined with members of Roger’s B&CC club and visited the International Boat Building college over in Lake Lothing, and they returned with tales of the apprentices and their superb woodworking skills – handy to know!
We arranged for a get-together over the Waveney pub that Friday evening and over 30 members joined us for meals and drinks, hosted by Bob. After the meal, John presented Tim and Dee with a case of beer and a bouquet of flowers (and a ball for King!) as a thank you for their organisation and help at our excellent weekend at Beccles. A nice occasion and a good opening to what was a very convivial weekend.
Saturday was a quiet, relaxing day. Some walked to Lowestoft for shopping; some tried out the new Ferry / sightseeing trip boat over in Lake Lothing; while others just sat outside on the quayside chatting and enjoying the sunny weather. Pip and Sylvia entertained us and passers by, ‘busking’ on the quay assisted by Mary and a vagrant morris dancer, they made about two and a tanner!
Harbour Master Paul had arranged a music evening over at the Boulevard at 8pm, and there we were nicely entertained by two different bands – one Rock n’ roll – the other more C & W / Folksy, complete with a real double-bass! During the evening Sarah from the Harbour Masters team had her head shaved for charity.
Sunday was a bit blustery and cool, rain threatened, but we decided to delay the BBQ until 4.30pm, after the raffle, and so sat apprehensively eyeing the weather for the remainder of the afternoon. We had prepared early, putting chairs and tables along the wall across from the office, our club banner and bunting flying in the breeze, drinks flowing and music playing. About 30 or so members and guests participated, BBQ’s were lit at the allotted time, and it all went well. Sandra had won a box of Bud beer in the raffle, and she kindly put these out for all to drink – but she laid them out on my table, so guess who drank the most? A lovely afternoon.
Kath was again singing in the Boulevard on the Sunday evening, and, after clearing away the BBQ’s, we all went along to support her. Kath had been suffering a sore throat and so she was “sent to Coventry” all weekend – no talking to us so as to save her voice. That must have worked as she was OK on the night. Just in case, John and Bob volunteered to help her out with a few guitar numbers, and all their usual favourites made it a fun night, not finishing until after midnight.
Bank Holiday Monday was again a very wet Gala Day, with very few people in attendance. Some members braved the wet conditions in the fairground, but most of us confined ourselves to our boats. Powerboat racing went ahead, but no fireworks for the second year running.
Quiz report
I had devised two new quizzes this year, "TV Reality & Quiz shows" and "Have you been around Britain?" - and the prizes were chocolates for the first, and various bottles of drink (from around Britain) for the latter The largest box of chocolates was kindly donated by Roger of “Tantalus IV”, all the other prizes were bought and donated by the Club – so all monies collected go to our selected charity – which in this case was to the “Help Harry Build” fund. www.gofundme.com/helpharrybuild
I met Harry, his parents have the boat “Joshua’s Journey”, as I was going around the moored boats distributing the quiz sheets & collecting the usual £1 per sheet for charity. Harry is only 6 yrs old, and was stricken with a brain debilitating disease at age 4yrs, but, despite severe disabilities, he still has a lovely smile, which prompted us to “adopt” him as the recipient of this year’s donations. We collected £86 at first count, including a generous extra donation from Terry of “Mar-Tel II” (the proceeds from him selling a dog lifejacket to one of the boats as I was walking round!). A few of us then made that up to £100, but others passing by on the Monday increased the amount to £110 – which we formally presented to little Harry on the Tuesday morning, and at the same time offered complimentary membership of the Club to his parents.
Thanks to all those who took part in the quizzes and donated so well. Visiting boat "Andorra" won top prize in the TV quiz, followed closely by “Joshua’s Journey”, with “Crown Jewel” third. Booby prize of a TV aerial lead went to “Tantalus IV”. Delia won 1st.prize in the “Round Britain” quiz, Graham of “Meander” was 2nd., with visiting boat “Sea Sampa” a close 3rd. Harbourmaster Tim won the booby prize of a “2016 Road atlas of Great Britain and Ireland” – to update him on UK’s beautiful coastline!
Congratulations to all of them.
Ken 09/09/2015
Oulton Broad Gala Weekend - 28th to 31st August - Report