Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club

Another great turnout - 17 Boats attended over the whole long weekend, inc. two new member boats, + 4 cars. 40 or so members and guests attended the BBQ, of which well over 30 stayed for the evening’s entertainment.
However, the weather was cooler than usual in the gusty north-westerly breeze, but it turned out sunnier than forecast, especially at BBQ time.
Most of the boats arrived throughout the day on the Friday, 15 in all including new members Trevor and Carin on “Helvetia” and “press-ganged” new members Glenn and Amanda on “Cariad” ( they were already moored there and were co-opted to join our merry band). All were probably tempted there early by the thought of the promised Fish ‘n chip suppers – courtesy once more of Steve and Angela, who kept their car there over the weekend! It’s becoming quite a tradition now?
We set up our chairs for sitting in the afternoon sun and enjoying the usual drinks before geeing our lazy selves up to erect the gazebo, realising that the evening would soon chill and we’ll need somewhere warm to enjoy the meal. Again, as tradition dictates, we made the usual hash of putting up the gazebo – many hands getting in the way most of the time - but lots of fun.
23 sat down to the Fish ‘n chips at 7.30pm, and after the meal, we enjoyed an impromptu community sing-song courtesy of Jen and her song-sheets, ably abetted by Bim and John. This we did as a tribute to the previous week’s 70th. V.E. anniversary celebrations – without the fly-past of course!!
Saturday saw 2 more boats arrive, but the moorings were now chock-full, due to the fact that 6 old “liveaboad” boats were taking up space on the far end and so poor old “Precious Time” had to make do with landing on the Chedgrave 24hr moorings. Still, our 2014 winners of the challenge trophy are made of sterner stuff, and so were not out of it for long. They rowed their dinghy to us in time for the 5pm BBQ – complete with chairs and BBQ food and equipment ( and famous dog Bella!) – and they didn’t leave until nigh on 10pm, being last seen rowing gamely downriver in the dark. Well done John and Fay!
Some of us went into town on Saturday lunchtime for BBQ shopping and visiting the local pubs, most of which were packed with Norwich City supporters watching the penultimate Championship division play-off. Back on the Common, we sorted out our BBQ’s and put out our chairs and tables and bagged our spots in the gazebo The weather was sunny as we began the BBQ’s just after 5pm, welcoming Geoff & Anna; Sandra & Keith; Colin & Chris; and Colin & Audrey, who arrived in their cars. Plenty of fun with the BBQing, before stoking up the gas-heater and retiring into the warm gazebo around 8pm, for the evening’s entertainment - provided by our old friends “Shipwreck” ( John and Bim once more). We had also decided to hold an impromptu “Pot-of-Gold” raffle – a shortened form with just a main prize and a “booby” one – and this was a great success raising £23 for the club funds ( spent the next day on a fresh bottle of gas!) and winning £20 for Ray and £3 for Jackie. Well done those two!
Another fantastic club event was all over around 11 or so.
Sunday was windy and chilly again, but dry with sunny spells so we didn’t start dismantling of the gazebo until a little after 10am, but it was down and packed away in about 20 minutes or so, with everyone pitching in. Most of us then hung around to lunchtime and after, before saying our farewells and heading downriver back home.
Many thanks to all who attended and made it such a great weekend.
See you all again at Berney Arms Mill on 20th June?
May 2015
Spring BBQ - 15th to 17th May - Pyes Mill Loddon - Report