End Of Season Dinner Dance - 17th October - The Hatfield Hotel Lowestoft - Report

Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club

Just a single club boat moored at the Yacht station ( well done, Paul ), as again many members and their guests travelled straight to the hotel, with quite a few booked in there overnight. Unfortunately, due to change of date earlier in the year, only 42 members and guests could make it this time – but those who did enjoyed a lovely night out. Weather was generally bad for the weekend, heavy rain and then blustery showers in the afternoon & early evening on Saturday, but it wasn’t too cold. Sunday also was wet for most of the day.
The members and guests who were staying at the hotel met up in the lounge bar for the usual Saturday afternoon session of drinks and snacks, this time in lovely surroundings looking out to the rough seas off the South beach, where the hardy surfers entertained us.
The evening begun just after 7pm, with pre-dinner drinks being taken whilst members and guests found their table places. The maitre-de,
Nigel, called us to sit down at 7.35pm and the food service began almost immediately. Everything went speedily along until the dessert course, which they delayed until all tables had finished their 2nd.course. A nice gesture, but it did mean that the band didn’t start until nearly 9.30pm, whilst the coffee was just coming around. Before the dancing began, we held the draw for the “Lucky Ticket” prize, and the winner of a nice bottle of Prosecco was Bim – who immediately uncorked it and shared it around his grateful table guests. Lucky them!
Only a few people got up to dance in the first session – many still gulping down their coffee and heading to the bar to refill drinks! Cedarwood played some nice music, but were tucked away in the corner and couldn’t generate sufficient atmosphere to tempt more dancers on to the floor. Dawn did not attend this year, so Jen was partnered by Anna in the fun-chore of going around the tables to sell raffle tickets for the Pot of Gold draw, and what a job they did! Considering the low turnout, the uptake was brilliant – we collected £167 , giving a healthy £80 to club funds and leaving £87 in prizes. This was so good that it was decided to have 4 prizes.
Bob and I held the presentations and prize draws during the interval. Club trophies were presented - team "Shipwreck" ( John & Sandra/ Bim & Jackie etc.) won the "Paul Hodgson" trophy for the Fun-day games in August; and they all came up to collect the trophy from Bob. The Commodore's Cup went to team “Seamaster 4+1” (Steve & Angela / Graham & Mary / & Steve’s brother) for winning the quiz in September. “Reedham Rebels” ( Andy / Tony & Sue / Ray & Jo / Keith / & Roger ) actually tied for 1st.place at the quiz, but they had won the cup last year so we decided to put the Seamaster crew first! The Challenge Plate was awarded to learner helmswoman Norma ( “Mehallah” ) for her & Bob’s scary mooring-up on the de-masting pontoon at Breydon Bridge, in rain and gale-force winds against tide. Bob himself narrated the worrying tale and Norma came up to collect her trophy. The “Broken Oar" was awarded this year to John Morley ("Annville") for knocking into a big Broom at the Mill meet in June, and for attempting the same on Dave’s boat at Oulton YS at the SoS do in April. “Broom bashing” we called it! Unfortunately, John has been quite ill recently and couldn’t attend, so the trophy was delivered direct to his home yard, Hippersons, for him to collect when he is better.
Congratulations to all our 2015 trophy winners. Check out John’s photos on the web-site!
The Pot-of-Gold raffle was next, Margaret (“Barracuda”) had the first ticket drawn, winning 1st.prize of £50; Linda (“Lady Jolyn”) winning 2nd.prize (£20); 3rd.prize of £10 went to Steve (“Emma Louise”); and the booby prize of £7 to our new champion helmswoman Norma (“Mehallah”).
Hearty congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all who bought so many tickets on the night. Another great effort.
I then went round with a quick collection for the staff – and a lot of coins cluttered into the ice-bucket. How much? Well, we didn’t count it but it seemed to be a goodly amount. Nigel thanked us for that.
The band started again but still the dance floor remained a fairly lonely place, until the last couple of numbers when the whole room seemed to migrate to the floor, filling it until well past midnight. It was all over by 12.30am, and we drank up and drifted off to our rooms by 1am.
Many thanks to all who attended and helped to make it such a lovely get-together.
We are unsure of venue and band for next year, but I’m confident that it will be another great night wherever? Please all note our planned date of 15th.October 2016.
Ken October 2015